Issue 04/2009

Focus on the Gotthard Axis

Lake Mead Intake Tunnel No. 3

Ceneri Base Tunnel

Radio-based Real Time Localisation Systems in Tunnels

Tunnel beneath the Bosporus Strait to safeguard Istanbul‘s Water Supply

Formwork Technology for Airport Link Tunnel in Brisbane/AUS

Designed for a small Cross-Section


Baumaschinen | Construction Machinery

Construction Equipment

Designed for a small Cross-Section

The workplace for the Caterpillar 321C KCR tunnel excavator is extremely small for the machine operator has to make do with a cross-section of only 20...


Hauptbeiträge | Main Articles


Focus on the Gotthard Axis

Work on the new Gotthard Line is forging ahead according to plan. 2008 has been assessed both by the Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV) as client as well as...


Lake Mead Intake Tunnel No. 3

In Las Vegas, Nevada, 90 % of the city’s water supply is obtained from the Colorado River at Lake Mead, behind the Hoover Dam. The Construction of the...


Ceneri Base Tunnel

The Ceneri Base Tunnel is the third largest project of its kind in Switzerland after the Gotthard and the Lötschberg. As the logical continuation of...


Schalungstechnik | Formwork Technology