Celebrating 30 Years of tunnel!

A toast to the birthday child. The first issue of tunnel appeared 30 years ago. Even although some us are thinking about retiring after 30 years’ professional grind – it doesn’t mean you‘re past your sell-by date. On the contrary all that accumulated experience makes you invaluable to your company. And this also applies in similar fashion to the journal tunnel. A great deal has been published about tunnelling in the past but this doesn’t mean there’s no more to be said. During its fledgling years when tunnel was still establishing itself clearly other topics were on the agenda as today. For...

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Issue 05/2014 Germany

InnoTrans: Innovative Tunnelling Technology and Dialogue of Ideas

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Issue 04/2015 Germany

Third Tunnelling Colloquium in Münster

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Issue 05/2010 36th Annual Meeting of the ITA in Vancouver, Canada

36th Annual Meeting of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association – World Tunnel Congress 2010 in Vancouver, Canada Dr. R. Leucker

Around 950 tunnellers from all over the world assembled in Vancouver/Canada from May 14 to 20, 2010. The occasion was the 36th Annual Meeting of the ITA – International Tunnelling and Underground...

Issue 06/2009 35th Annual Meeting of ITA in Budapest, Hungary

35th Annual Meeting of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association – World Tunnel Congress 2009 in Budapest, Hungary

Around 1,100 tunnellers from all over the world assembled in Budapest/H, from May 23rd to 28th, 2009, for the 35th Annual Meeting of the ITA – International Tunnelling and Underground Space...

Issue 06/2012

38th Annual Meeting of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association – World Tunnel Congress 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand

1 General Approx. 1,300 tunnellers from 61 nations met in Bangkok, Thailand from May 18 to 24, 2102. The occasion: the 38th Annual Meeting of the ITA – International Tunnelling and Underground Space...
