
Nachrichten | News


10th Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Day on 22 May 2025 in Weinheim

On 22 May 2025, the 10th Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Day will take place at the WBI Center in Weinheim (Germany). The conference will be organized by WBI GmbH, sponsored by the German Railway (DB InfraGO AG) and supported by the German Engineering Association (Arbeitskreis Bautechnik of the Württembergische Ingenieurverein).

Italy | Italien

ITA Tunnelling Awards 2024 – The Winners

Winners of the seven categories of the 10th Anniversary series of the ITA Tunnelling Awards were announced and the Brunel Trophies presented at the Awards gala celebrations in Genoa, Italy.These...

International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association

Helen Roth ITA Executive Director Starting January 2025

After an international search, the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) has appointed Helen Roth as its new Executive Director to steer the ITA’s vital work and its...


Enlargement of the Fachinger Tunnel Completed

Between Diez and Fachingen, Porr is upgrading the 426 m long, double-track Fachingen Tunnel, which dates back to the 19th century. On behalf of Deutsche Bahn, Porr is working in a consortium with...


Tunnelbaustatistik Deutschland | Tunnelling Statistics Germany

Tunnelling in Germany: Statistics (2023/2024), Analysis and Outlook

STUVA has been keeping statistics on tunnelling in Germany for more than 45 years. Based on an annual survey of clients, construction companies and designers, the data is regularly published in consolidated form. The motivation for this was and is a corresponding suggestion by the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association [1].


Projektbericht | Project Report

Västlänken, Lot E05 Korsvägen – Inner-City Tunnelling in Complex Hydrogeology

In 2021 the Västlänken project (West Link), a railway tunnel underneath the city centre of Gothenburg, has been presented in tunnel-issue 06/2021. Three years later, several sections of the tunnel structure have been handed over for fitting out and track laying, while other parts of the tunnel are in full production process. This article gives an update on the project status and focuses on selected technical solutions, such as concrete columns supporting large rock caverns and one of the first NATM-drives in Sweden.


Sanierung | Redevelopment

Baumaschinen | Construction Machinery

Stockholm Metro

The latest superloader from Swiss manufacturer ITC SA, type ITC 315SL, has recently completed its work on the Stockholm metro. The Kungsträdgården project carried out by OHLA for the Stockholm region comprises the construction of two single-track tunnels, a service tunnel and cross-passages; the total length of tunnels is around 4500 m. Find out more in the report in tunnel 1/2025.


Fachtagungen | Conferences

STUVA-Nachrichten | STUVA News

Veranstaltungen | Events