Interview: Lutz Bettels, Bentley Systems

“Many Tunnel Operators do not yet Know what Benefits
a Digital Twin Offers”

The internationally active company Bentley Systems develops construction software, which is also used on infrastructure projects like tunnels. In an interview with “tunnel”, Lutz Bettels, Vice President, Regional Executive Owner/Operators EMEA with Bentley Systems, talked about current BIM tunnelling projects, the differences between BIM in building construction and civil engineering and the creation of a digital twin for the operating phase.

Mr. Bettels, in how many projects is Bentley involved? Can you give us an overview?

A precise overview is difficult because our customers do not tell us about every project they are currently working on. But there are a few projects, where we are heavily involved. The best-known example is Crossrail in London. Crossrail is now entering the operating phase and the BIM model, which we created, will also be handed over to the operator to become a digital twin.

BIM is indeed an instrument for design and construction; when however a project goes into operation and one wishes to continue to use the...

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