Steering Supporting Measures for Urban Tunnelling

The improvement of urban infrastructure,
particularly the building of efficient and
attractive links for public commuter
transportation, can often only be achieved by means of tunnels in view of the amount of space available. Towards this end analytical forecasts on the quantity of effects expected during construction are frequently stretched to their limits. The following report shows how intelligent and adaptive supporting and
compensation measures provide help in this respect in keeping with the observation
method principle.

Frequently sensitive buildings are located within the sphere of influence of tunnels, which have to be correspondingly secured against irreconcilable effects. The inter-actions between the existing building, intervention in constructive technical terms, subsurface and groundwater are extremely complex in this connection so that analytical forecasts pertaining to the quantity of the anticipated effects are stretched to their limits. As a result intelligent and adaptive supporting and compensation measures in keeping with the observation method principle are all the more important. Towards this...

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