
Karawanken Tunnel Breakthrough

On 18 March 2024, the official tunnel breakthrough of the 2nd tube of the Karawanken Tunnel between Austria and Slovenia took place. This marks the completion of the tunnelling work on the 7.9 km long road tunnel on the Slovenian side as well.

Completion of the 2nd Bore Planned for Autumn 2025

Breakthrough in the second bore of the Karawanken Tunnel on 18 March 2024
ASFINAG/Helge Bauer

Breakthrough in the second bore of the Karawanken Tunnel on 18 March 2024
ASFINAG/Helge Bauer
This means that the inner lining of the new tunnel can begin in May 2024, followed by the installation of electrical equipment and safety systems. Completion is scheduled for fall 2025 in both countries. The general refurbishment of the existing tube will then begin while traffic is routed through the new tube. Overall completion is planned for fall 2028.

The existing Karawanken tunnel is a border tunnel between Austria and Slovenia on the A 11 Karawanken highway. It has a total length of 7.9 km. Of this, 4.4 km is on Austrian territory and a further 3.5 km is on Slovenian territory. The tunnel is operated jointly by ASFINAG and the Slovenian highway operator DARS.


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