
SMT Scharf GmbH

Quelle/Credit: muratart |

Quelle/Credit: muratart |
The tunnel segment places high demands on reliability and availability. Geologically challenging conditions meet confined space in combination with large and heavy transport goods. All of this is a challenge in itself, but we are happy to meet it and have always been able to find an answer.

For our LHDs, trucks, utility vehicles and also our Scharf LEV, this area is another field of application in which we can offer our customers comprehensive customised solutions. Our rail systems help to transport material and personnel and are an important safety feature for quickly transporting injured people out of the danger zone.

In conventional tunnelling, our LHDs convey the tunnel spoil and our scissor lift trucks help to carry out the numerous assembly operations quickly and safely.

World Tunnel Congress 2022 | Booth A-64


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