
IUT ’11 for the 6th time in Sargans/CH

The worldwide unique underground fair – the IUT ’2011 – will take place from September 14 to 15, 2011 – for the 6th time – at the Hagerbach Test Gallery/VSH) near Sargans in eastern Switzerland. Those involved in tunnelling will get together to exchange views and inform themselves about the latest trends and technologies.

The presentation of the partner country Brazil at the fair represents a particular highlight of the IUT ’11. A representative delegation of tunnelling experts from the world’s fifth large nation will show tunnelling in their country and go all out to establish contacts with European experts.

As at the last IUT each exhibitor can be reached quickly in the VSH’s extensive system of tunnels. This is assured among other thing by the popular tunnel railway, the “IUT shuttle”, which will again run over a particular part route in order to shorten distances and provide visitors with a few minutes relaxation. Something which is essential given the extensive programme that is scheduled for visitors at the IUT. Products will be presented on the IUT theme stage at 30 minute intervals, innovations introduced and discussions with decision-makers conducted on and before the stage. Apart from the exhibition in the gallery and on the extensive open-air area, once again a seminar will take place involving top speakers on the topic of redevelopment and maintenance.

The traditional IUT Evening on the first day of the fair, again being held in a VSH cavern, is bound to be a special highlight for all those taking part: here exhibitors and visitors will be able to exchange views against a relaxed background and experience an unforgettable evening.


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