Austrian Guideline on
Tunnel Seals
Austrian Society for Construction Technology (öbv) Guideline, December 2012. 124 pp. DIN A4 with 96 Ill./Tab. and 106 Sources. Bound € 45. //" target="_blank" >
The requirements on the ground and sealing material with the related tests according to the “Principles for Executing and Testing Tunnel Seals” dating from 1988 were for long the basis for tendering for and executing tunnel seals. New recognitions and technical further developments – including the European norms – prompted revision by the öbv’s “Concrete in Tunnelling” working group in 2007. The present “Tunnel Sealing” guideline deals with sealing systems for trenchless construction (relating to cyclic or continuous drives, shotcrete or segment outer shell and the cross-sectional design) and cut-and cover construction methods, for hydrostatic water relieved and hydrostatic water retentive tunnels with the requirements on the individual components and installation as well as quality assurance and tests. The joint design is tackled at length; apart from repair methods, special means of construction (grouting methods and material) and innovations (sprayed seals) are presented.
The Guideline is applicable for planning and executing sealing systems with plastic sealing membranes and the corresponding sealing carriers, protective and drainage layers as well as for joint forms in tunnelling, heading and cavern construction – but not for mineral seals (bentonite), polymer bituminous sheeting, single-shell segment and shotcrete lining, however correspondingly for sealing air channels.
The Guideline refers to related standards as well as to other references sources. ⇥G.B.