
Bosruck Tunnel:
Redeveloping the existing Bore

A second bore was produced by drill+blast using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) for the 5.5 km long, 2-lane Bosruck Tunnel on the A 9 motorway. It possesses 2 lanes. After being broken through on August 11, 2011, it was furnished from the south portal. The process has now been completed. The portal structure and water protection facilities were undertaken alongside the activities in the tunnel so that the second bore is open for traffic since July 2013. After the redevelopment of the existing bore, it is planned to open the 2 tunnel bores – each carrying traffic in one direction – in 2015.

The Bosruck Tunnel development scheme will cost some 200 million euros, with the existing bore redevelopment accounting for around 55 million euros. Once it has been completely renovated the  tunnel will possess 5 bays set 1,000 m apart, 11 cross-passages (5 suitable for vehicles) at 1,000 m gaps, 43 emergency and fire-fighting bays, tunnel radio systems for traffic, operations and emergency services, semi-cross ventilation with smoke extraction, emergency call and escapeway markings, bright reflecting coating for the walls up to a height of 4.50 m, tunnel lighting  and curb reflectors.⇥ G.B.


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