System Schröders/Wiedemann-Technik

Fire Security Gates, Doors and Flaps
for the Scheibengipfel Tunnel

Since the Scheibengipfel Tunnel with a length of 1.9 km was opened for traffic on October 27, 2017, the city centre of Reutlingen (Germany) has had to cope with as many as 20 000 fewer vehicles. This signifies less traffic and an improvement of the city’s air quality. However, observance of fire protection accompanies the opening of a tunnel. The Wiedemann-Technik company from Husum played a role in this during its construction. It supplied special smoke and fire security gates, doors and flaps, which among other things seal off the connecting passages between the tunnel and the evacuation...

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Safe from Fire and Smoke

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Video-based smoke and flame detection for tunnels

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Video smoke detection

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Issue 02/2016 Germany

Scheibengipfel Tunnel: Completion by the End of 2016

The 1910 m long Scheibengipfel Tunnel is the key structure on the 3.1 km long Reutlingen bypass on the German federal main road B 312. The two-lane tunnel runs through the ridge of the...

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Katzenbergtunnel on the Autobahn A3: Fire Protection in the North Tunnel with 25 Axial Fans

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