5–7 June 2024 | 5.–7. Juni 2024

Swiss Tunnel Congress 2024 in Lucerne

The Swiss Tunnelling Society (STS) organizes annually the Swiss Tunnel Congress (STC) in Lucerne. Over the years, the STC has developed into the main congress for tunnelling experts in Switzerland. On average, around 800 experts from over 10 nations attended the high quality presentations and additionally enjoyed the traditional excursions to large construction sites within Switzerland.

In 2008, the half-day colloquium was introduced on the opening day, This is organized by the STS board together with the STS young members (STSym). The colloquium examines a topic from the perspective of various stakeholders (clients, planners, contractors, industry, ­universities). With this event, the STS wants to give the industry the opportunity to present itself to a wide audience. The presentations at the Swiss Tunnel Colloquium follow a specific key topic each year.


After an STS Young Members Panel was held instead of the colloquium last year as part of the STS‘s anniversary, the event will be held in its traditional form again in 2024.

This year‘s colloquium on June 5 will focus on a socially highly relevant topic: under the title „Materials management and sustainability in tunnel construction“, representatives from the client, planning, business, industry and research sectors will speak on this important subject.

The first presentation will explain the multimodal disposal concept for the Basel Rhine Tunnel project from the client‘s perspective. The colloquium will then focus on the CERN project, in which the planner will explain the issue of reusing molasse. This will be followed by a presentation on current experiences in the field of materials management from a planner‘s perspective. The circular economy remains the topic of the next presentation, in this case from the perspective of an entrepreneur.

This is followed by two presentations from the contractor and the university of applied sciences on the usage of concrete: on the one hand, the use of carbonated concrete demolition, and on the other, sustainability through the use of concrete and recycled materials. The final topic will be the more sustainable planning of tunnel structures with the help of digital technologies.


This year‘s congress program is once again full of interesting and high-profile presentations. On June 6, Marco Rosso, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cargo sous terrain AG, will give the opening presentation on an innovative project that aims to achieve future underground, climate-friendly freight logistics.

Afterwards, selected speakers will provide information on the current status of Swiss underground construction projects in presentations on the „3rd Rosenberg Tunnel Tube“, „SBB Double-Track Tunnel Ligerz“, „Gubrist Tunnel“, „Ferney Cut-and-cover Tunnel“, „Pyramides d‘Euseigne Tunnel“ and „New Neuchâtel – La Chaux-de-Fonds Line“. Case studies and lessons learned will also be presented. The presentations on international tunnel construction projects promise an exciting, technical exchange of experience across national borders with presentations on the „TELT Lyon–Turin Base Tunnel“, „Galleria Terzo Valico“ and „Koralm Tunnel“ projects.


The excursions offered on June 7, the third and final day of the event, will take interested visitors to the projects „Gotthard Road Tunnel (materials management/preceding lot)“, „Sihl-Zürichsee Relief Tunnel (Thalwil)“ and „Gubrist Tunnel renovation (1st and 2nd tube)“. Partici­pants will be shown various areas of the construction sites so that they can gain a comprehensive insight into the work themselves.


The FGU website www.swisstunnel.ch contains all the program details for the Swiss Tunnel Congress as well as full information on the timetable and how to get to the venue, the KKL Lucerne. The rates for participation in the congress, colloquium, flying dinner and excursions can also be found here. Tickets can be booked via the website. The deadline for online booking is May 20, 2024.


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