2017 STUVA Conference, Stuttgart – The international Forum for Tunnels and Infrastructure
The STUVA invites experts from the fields of construction and operation of underground structures for the industry’s most important get-together to be held in Stuttgart from December 6 to 8, 2017. More than 2400 experts from over 20 countries turned up for the last STUVA Conference in Dortmund in 2015. Around 70 papers (with simultaneous German/English and English/German translation) will be presented over two days in Stuttgart. They will deal with tunnelling and tunnel operation. The separate block of lectures on the afternoon of Day 2 and the excursions on Day 3 will provide a greater insight into the Stuttgart–Ulm mega project.
In December 2016 STUVA members were sent the call for papers, and currently the conference programme is being compiled in accordance with resolutions by the scientific advisory council and final approval by the STUVA board. The programme is due to be published in early July 2017 on www.stuva-conference.com and can be requested there in printed form. You can register for the Conference as from mid-May.
STUVA Conference with parallel Segments on Tunnelling and Tunnel Operation
In addition to the “Tunnelling” series a separate, parallel series of lectures on “Tunnel Operation” was held in 2015 for the first time. This concept is being set forth in 2017 on account of the great resonance.
Strong Support for the Event
The outstanding importance of the STUVA Conference for tunnelling and tunnel operation has also been recognised by the German Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). In conjunction with the German Tunnelling Committee (DAUB) and the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA), these institutions are official sponsors of the STUVA Conference.
STUVA Expo: Exhibition accompanying the Conference with record Participation
The Conference is backed up by an exhibition, which is used as a professional marketing platform now involving more than 170 firms from home and abroad, spread over an area of more than 7000 m². At the time of going to press more than 2800 m² of net space had already been taken. By expanding the lecture programme, the STUVA Expo also provides new opportunities! Make sure you also take advantage of presenting your company in an optimal light. Details on the exhibition and a list of the companies taking part in 2017 can be obtained at: www.stuva-expo.de