STUVA Conference 2019 in Frankfurt – the international Forum for Tunnel and Infrastructure

From 26 to 28 November 2019, the STUVA invites you to Frankfurt for the “Family meeting of the tunnelling industry”. Once again, about 3000 experts from more than 20 countries are expected. For two days, altogether about 70 specialist lectures will be given about tunnel construction and tunnel operation (with simultaneous German/English and English/German interpretation). Detailed insights into construction activities in Frankfurt will be offered on the afternoon of the second day of the event and excursions on the third day. For about 1400 guests, the festive evening on the first day is the highlight of the event.

STUVA Conference with parallel Lecture Series on Tunnelling and Tunnel Operation

The Call for Papers was sent to the members of STUVA in December 2018 and the conference program is currently being assembled in accordance with decisions of the scientific program committee and the subsequent approval of the STUVA board. The program will be published on around early July 2019 on //" target="_blank" > and can be requested there in printed form already. Registration for the conference will be possible from the middle of May.

In addition to the “Tunnel Construction” series of lectures, as in previous years there will also be lectures on “Tunnel Operation” in a separate parallel series.

Strong Support for the Event

The exceptional significance of the STUVA Conference for Tunnelling and Tunnel operation is also recognised by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). Together with the German Tunnelling Committee (DAUB) and the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA), these organisations are supporting the STUVA Conference as ideal supporters.

Accompanying Exhibition STUVA-EXPO – 150 Exhibitors already booked!

The conference is flanked by a specialist exhibition, which is meanwhile used by more than 200 international companies as a professional marketing platform and covers an area of more than 7000 m². At publication date, 2700 m² net of exhibition area had already been booked. You can also take this opportunity of ideally presenting your company. Information about the exhibitions and an overview of the companies taking part in 2019 can be found under: //" target="_blank" >

Contact for participants and press

Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Posch

Studiengesellschaft für Tunnel und Verkehrsanlagen e. V. – STUVA

Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 41

D-50827 Köln/Cologne

Phone: +49 (221) 5 97 95-0


Contact for exhibitors

Heiko Heiden

deltacom projektmanagement GmbH

Gertigstr. 59

D-22303 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (40) 35 72 32-0



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