Smoke Clearance from Underground Transport Stations

In the event of a fire in an underground transport station, smoke gas flows are mostly cleared to ground level through the entrances and exits. This not only pollutes the escape and rescue routes inside the station with smoke gases but also the assembly places above ground, surrounding buildings and potential working areas for the emergency services. In the Orpheus research project, possibilities have been investigated of minimising the pollution above ground through the layout of the exits and an intentional control of the smoke gases.


The Orpheus research project – financed by the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) – investigated possible methods of improving the safety of persons in underground transport facilities. In one part of the project, the effects of smoke gases emerging at ground level and possibilities of optimising the control of smoke gases have been investigated (further information about the project can be found on the project home page [1]).

Most underground transport stations are underground railway stations, so the investigation was carried out for this application case....

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