The second bore 5860 m long for the Albula Tunnel of the Rhätische Bahn (RhB) in Switzerland was broken through on 3 October 2018 after about three years of construction. The tunnel was driven from...
The 5th Rock Mechanics & Tunneling Day on 23 May 2019 will be organized by WBI Consulting Engineers together with the German Railway (DB) Organization for the Project Stuttgart–Ulm, DB Netze and the civil engineering section of the Engineering Association of Württemberg.
The 2.2 km long Kaisermühlen Tunnel on the A22 Donauufer motorway is the longest motorway tunnel in Vienna. With a daily traffic volume of about 120 000 vehicles (of which 11 % are heavy goods vehicles), it is the most heavily used road tunnel in Austria. After a construction phase of about two years opperator Asfinag has now nearly completed the general refurbishment of all safety equipment (lighting, ventilation and fire protection) of the tunnel.
From May 3–9, 2019, the World Tunnel Congress will take place in the South-Italian city of Naples. On May 9, the final day of the congress, participants will have the opportunity of joining technical visits to underground construction sites and can choose one of four interesting destinations ...
In Singapore, a Herrenknecht tunnel boring machine (EPB Shield, Ø 5,250 mm) excavated two large drains for the Stamford Diversion Canal. The challenge: winding bottlenecks and an inner-city drive in...
The Porr bidding consortium won the tender for the construction project “A44, VKE 12, Tunnel Hirschhagen, Technische Ausstattung” at the turn of the year 2018/19. Porr Infra GmbH will be responsible...
The fourth tunnel drive of the tunnel boring machine (TBM) „SUSE“ started in November 2018. Before that, the 120 m long machine had to be dismantled into seven pieces, which then were turned one by one underground. This article contains a short video clip of the unusual turning manoeuvre, made by the DB Projekt Stuttgart–Ulm GmbH.
The Bjørnegård Tunnel has been under construction since early 2015 on the Norwegian E18 motorway between Sandvika and Weyen. Within the scope of linking the E16 from the northwest surrounding area of...
The complicated geology presents a challenge to man and machine for the new Stuttgart-Feuerbach rail tunnel, part of the major project Stuttgart 21. Owing to the rock that contains anhydrite, holes for excavation and injections must largely be carried out by the dry drilling method. As a result, modified tunnelling jumbos and vehicles with suction aggregates are deployed. The excavation is partially secured by pipe umbrellas.
Tough working conditions prevail in tunnelling. The demands posed on technical equipment are correspondingly high, as e.g. gears, which must reliably cater for movement in various machines. In tunnel boring machines (TBMs) planetary gears must withstand strong vibrations, impacts, high temperatures and pronounced external pressure. These powerful gears are also applied in building cranes, drilling rigs, cutters, excavators, pumps or tracked vehicles.
Featuring a length of 16.9 km, the planned second tunnel tube through the Gotthard will prove to be yet another outstanding feat in the Gotthard region. This article from tunnel 1/19 provides a short overview of the project, explains the investigation of the fault zones, outlines the excavation concept for piercing these zones and addresses both material management and the reuse of the excavation material. The article was part of the Swiss Tunnel Congress 2018 lecture programme.
Using the example of the Boßler Tunnel, the importance of careful rock mechanical investigations for the excavation concept of a tunnel is shown. The preliminary exploration revealed that squeezing rock conditions were to be expected in the middle section of the tunnel. In another tunnel section, karstification had to be expected. Towards this background, the tunnel was tendered for construction with conventional means (“shotcrete method”). Along the first 2.8 km, the use of a TBM was permitted. By driving an exploration shaft and gallery combined with accompanying rock mechanical investigations and numerical calculations, it was possible to create the basis for allowing for a TBM-excavation in the entire formation of the Brown Jurassic. In addition, the program for karst exploration was adapted to the requirements of a TBM heading.
During the last ten years, the presentation of the COSUF Award Winner has been one of the highlights of the ITA COSUF meetings. The prestigious award is granted to a student, young professional or researcher in the field of operational safety or security of underground facilities. “Many of the previous winners have taken job positions in organisations that are working on operational safety of underground facilities. This is a good stimulation to continue to launch the award,” said Ben van den Horn, ITA COSUF General Secretary, commenting the steering board decision to award the 2019 COSUF prize.
The 3rd Forum on Injection Technology, which attracted 220 participants on November 21 and 22, 2018 in Cologne was a huge success – involving a series of lectures as well as networking and a get-together for the industry. On both days of the Forum at the Maternushaus, a lively exchange of views among experts took place, in the lecture hall, at the exhibitions staged by the sponsor companies as well as at the grand gala evening held for all those taking part. The article also features a short film of the "Forum Injektionstechnik 2018" (the interviews are available in German language only).
The fourth ITA Tunnelling Awards was organized together with the CTUC conference in Chuzhou, China, on 7 November 2018. „The ITA Tunnelling Awards 2018 is a unique conference, focussing on and sharing the yearly major achievements in our tunnelling industry, including the remarkable projects, technical innovations, innovative underground space concepts and safety initiatives as well as excellent young tunnellers and lifetime achievement“, Jenny Jinxiu Yan, ITA Vice president and chair of the ITA Tunnelling Awards 2018 Committee, welcomed the audience waiting for the announcement of the Award winners.
Since 1963, the STUVA has held its tradition-steeped three-day STUVA Conference every two years, featuring all topics and aspects having to do with tunnelling and tunnel operation. The “International...
2545 participants from 20 countries, including 138 companies, 36 start-ups and 200 speakers linked up for three days at the Hypermotion in Frankfurt. The topics centred on disruptive ideas and...
In December 2018, the “Recommendations for Fire Service Lifts in underground Stations” were published as the 51st volume in the STUVA “Research + Practice” series. The planners of underground stations...
The following companies joined the STUVA during the second half of 2018: Aerzen Rental Deutschland GmbH, Rinteln (Germany) Optimas Solutions – Sofrasar, Sarrequemines (France) Ryll Management,...